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2012年7月22日 星期日

如何讓 winXP 接受 rdp connection?

0. computer properties -> Remote settings -> Remote desktop -> Allow remote connections to this compter.

1. terminal service has to be started

//=== 如何加入中文輸入
Control Panel -> Region and Language -> Keyboards and Languages -> Change keyboards ...
General -> Add/Remove Chinese ...
Advanced Key settings -> Change Key Sequence -> Switch Input Language/Switch Keyboard Layout

2012年7月15日 星期日

Remote assistance for Windows 8

在win8 release preview , maintenance\remote-assistance  似乎不見了
要發出assistance/help invitation 可嘗試以下方法:

0. winlogo +r  -> msra
1. cmd prompt -> msra
2. control panel -> view by category -> system and security -> System -> .../Allow remote connection/Launch remote assistance  /...  (按下Launch remote assistance 的連結)

//=== Frequent "commands" following winlogo + r


bcdedit usage example

//=== bcdedit needs admin privilege (elevated command prompt )
[Q] how to show os GUID ?

bcdedit /enum /v

[Q] how to change display order?

bcdedit /displayorder {ID1} {ID2} ...
bcdedit /displayorder {1d6487bd-bd89-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxcf5}  {1d6487c3-bd89-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxc9b23cf5} {9fb33f5f-c8c5-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxc5bb53c5}

[Q] how to an entry  to Windows Boot Manager Screen?

bcdedit /copy {1d6487c3-bd89-xxxx-xxxx-94dbc9b23cf5} /d "Win8 Without HyperV"

use "bcdedit /enum /v " to check the just created bcd entry's GUID

bcdedit /set {9fb33f5f-c8c5-xxxx-xxxx-d162c5bb53c5} hypervisorlaunchtype  off

[Q] how to set the default os?

bcdedit /default {1d6487c3-bd89-xxxx-xxxx-94dbc9b23cf5}
bcdedit /default {current}
bcdedit /set {default} hypervisorlaunchtype  off

2012年7月12日 星期四

Windows 8 試用

Windows8 Release Preview == win8

0. 新的 Start Menu , 又稱  Start Screen  個人覺得可以叫 Start Mosaic .
1. PC settings  等同 Control Panel

2. turn on Client Hyper-V feature (win8 rp 內建了非server版的HyperV, 稱為 Client HyperV)
  a. Control Panel -> Programs -> Programs and Features.
  b. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
  c. Click Hyper-V -> OK
  d. virtmgmt.msc
  e. virtual switch (虛擬網卡binding 實體網卡)
3. 以admin 權限開啟cmd prompt ,取消hibernate
c:\> powercfg /hibernate off

4. 取消 發生錯誤時自動重開機 的設定
Computer-> System Properties -> Advanced -> Startup and Recovery
-> settings -> system failure -> unchk Automatically restart

5.  win8 開機失敗時, 重開機 -> F8 -> Enable low-resolution video(F3)

6. 學習使用基本的bcdedit

7. add dangerous sites to IE's restricted sites

8. shortcuts to  Windows Update / Windows defender

2012年7月5日 星期四

rdp 無法使用winlogo flag key

以 rdp 連接 win8 時, winlogo 快捷鍵 無法作用 ,
想存取舊的Start Menu 或者開啟 cmd console/notepad/wordpad/ ...
就只好拉捷徑(dragging/send to desktop   to create shortcut)

C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories

System Tools 目錄下有cmd console, control panel, run, ...
Accessories 目錄下有 rdp, notepad, ...

產生shortcut 後 , right-click on shortcut (在shortcut 上 按滑鼠右鍵)
-> pin to start , 在新的start screen 右側就會加入對應的icon
-> pin to taskbar, ...

聯想到 shortcut/.lnk file/shell link, symbolic link 有何差異?
.lnk 檔案格式乃Windows 自己訂的 ...


2012年7月1日 星期日

Windows logo 快捷鍵 for Windows-8

最近趕流行 試用Windows 8 Release Preview
[developer preview -> consumer preview -> release preview ?]

因為metro style 移除了舊的Start Button/Start Menu
被迫重新發現了 Windows logo 快捷鍵
[大部分的鍵盤上有個微軟Windows Logo 的按鍵, 又稱Windows key, flag key, start key ...]
在此簡稱 winlogo;

winlogo  + r : run [執行/搜尋應用程式]
winlogo + e : explorer  [開啟 file explorer]

winlogo  + r ,  notepad
winlogo  + r ,  cmd
winlogo  + r ,  taskmgr
winlogo  + r ,  control   [開啟 control panel]
winlogo  + r , diskmgmt

winlogo  + r ,  cmd , 按下ctl+shift+enter 可用 admin 權限開啟
命令列視窗(command line console) , 但我沒試成功 ...

win8 release preview
