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2010年9月17日 星期五

Flash package and class naming rules

//=== The naming rules for package and class in AS3 of Flash:
0. package name has to match the directory name and hierarchy.
1. class name has to match to the file name.
2. Edit -> Preferences -> AS3 settings -> class path

//=== Actionscript3(AS3) 的 package/class 的命名規則限制
0. package名稱 需與 目錄階層 一致

1. class名稱 需與 檔案名稱 完全相同


2010年9月10日 星期五

Upload file to google sites

[Q] 如何上傳檔案到自己的google site?
[Q] How to upload file to my own google site?

0. Log on google sites https://sites.google.com/  by gmail account

1. Select or create the site where you want to upload file

2. On the top right next to "Edit Page" is the "More actions"
click to choose "Manage site" (page should refresh to show sth. new)

3. Click  "Attachments" in the left side menu under "Site content"
(page should refresh to show sth. new)

4. Click "Upload" ...

2010年9月3日 星期五

Flash MovieClip change Color

[Q] How to change the color of a movieClip in AS3 of Flash?
[Q] 如何改變Flash "片段" 的顏色?


[code snippet]
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
var newColorTransform:ColorTransform ;
newColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
newColorTransform.color = 0x999999;
this.transform.colorTransform = newColorTransform;


2010年9月2日 星期四

Vigor 2910, 2920, 2820 (居易 Draytek)

總算把 居易這幾台功能相近的路由器的差別搞清楚些

型號 Vigor2910 Vigor2910G Vigor2910N Vigor2910V
功能 CSM, VPN, Dual WAN, VLAN Vigor2910+ 802.11g AP Vigor2910+ 802.11n AP Vigor2910 + VoIP

型號 Vigor2910 Vigor2920
功能 1WAN+3LAN + 1WAN/LAN,
WAN/LAN: 100Mbps
WAN1: 100Mbps, WAN2/LAN: Gigabit

型號 Vigor2820Vigor2920
功能 ADSL2 modem + 2WAN+3LAN,
WAN1/LAN: 100Mbps,WAN2: Gigabit
WAN1: 100Mbps, WAN2/LAN: Gigabit