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2010年8月30日 星期一

Flash Button States

傳統的Flash Button 有四種States:
up, down, over, hit


upState, downState, overState, hitTestState

其中比較不一樣的就是 "hit"(hitTestState),
它決定了該按鈕(Button) 接受觸發的範圍

[code snippet]  btn1 is a given button ...

var imgGray1:MovieClip = new imgGray();

var greenCircleShape:Shape = new Shape();
greenCircleShape.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, 20);
btn1.upState= imgGray1;
btn1.overState= imgGray1;
btn1.downState= imgGray1;
btn1.hitTestState= greenCircleShape;

2010年8月29日 星期日

Facebook 如何顯示所有的friends?

[Q] 登入後 首頁左方的 Friends 點下去
看到的是Find People You Email(以email尋找朋友)和People you may know

create a list (click the button on the top right of "friends" page)
and add all friends into that list.

Disable drag of movie clip in Flash AS3

[Q]  How to disable the dragging behavior of a movie clip in Flash AS3?

After searching on internet, some people said that , for a movie clip mc,
  • mc.enabled= false;
  • mc.mouseEnabled=false;
can disable the dragging?

But they failed in my Flash CS3.

*** Found that beside changing  mc.enabled to false, need accompanying check action
within the mouse_down/up event to control whether to activate startDragging ...

[Code snippet]
this.mcVolSlider.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startScroll);

function startScroll(e:Event):void {

       if (mcVolSlider.enabled==true) {


[Q] MsoCache 這個目錄/資料夾的用途?
目錄: directory;  資料夾: folder


MsoCache (cache on hard drive for microsoft office) , 也稱 Local Install Source (本機安裝來源)
在安裝 Microsoft Office 時 有個選項會將安裝/更新所需的檔案
複製到硬碟的 \MsoCache 目錄/資料夾下
[Q]  希望節省磁碟空間時,是否可以直接刪除 複製到MsoCache 的檔案?

[try] 不建議直接刪除 。當您刪除 MsoCache中的檔案後,未來在執行任何Office安裝動作時,還是會被要求提供 Office 光碟,而所有必要的來源檔案會再次複製到您的MsoCache 。

「本機安裝來源工具」Local Installation Source Tool (LISTool.exe)
從本機硬碟移除檔案。您可以從微軟網站的 Office Resource Kit 中取得這項工具:



[Q] 如何控制 \MSOCACHE 資料夾的位置?

[try] 安裝時使用 LOCALCACHEDRIVE 屬性 來指定 \MSOCACHE 資料夾的位置。
可以從命令列(command line)或安裝程式設定檔案 (Setup.ini) 啟用 LOCALCACHEDRIVE 屬性。

安裝後要變更MsoCache的硬碟位置, 請至 

下載 Local Installation Source Tool (LISTool.exe)
Using the Local Installation Source Tool, 'administrators' can:
  • Disable the local installation source for users who are running short of hard disk space.
  • Move the local installation source to a different drive.
  • Enable the local installation source after Office is installed.

... "



2010年8月21日 星期六

Facebook的Likes and Interests

終於會用 Facebook 的 Likes and Interests (興趣與嗜好)!

想加入新的Likes and Interests  除了在輸入文字盒確認之外
確認後 所輸入的文字會在 輸入文字盒的下方顯現
這時在按儲存(Save Change) 才有效
否則 ...

2010年8月16日 星期一


[Q] 露天拍賣競標者的出價資訊, 不會自動email給賣家?
除非達到直購價 或者超出底價而且拍賣時間結束?

[Q] 露天的議價功能
  • 透過悄悄話來執行
  • 但是議價成功後 無法自動讓買賣雙方成交於議定的價格?
  • 必須透過賣方手動更改直購價 或者更改商品為競標模式?
  • 還要等待買方真正下標 並由買方結束拍賣?
[PS]  2010.10.08, 這禮拜二 試著跟一位買家議價 發現露天 已經
可讓買賣雙方自動成交於議定的價格, 但似乎無法更改取貨方式?

2010年8月15日 星期日


[Q] 如何抑制IE8網頁上的背景音樂?
[Q] How to disable/mute the background music played with the web page browsed by IE8?

Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab  -> Mulitmedia options ->
uncheck "Play sounds on web pages"

2010年8月10日 星期二

Orchard Cms

OrchardProject :  http://www.orchardproject.net/

related project :

Orchard Forum: 

Walkthrough module development .pdf
orchardModuleWalkThrough.pdf on my GoogleDoc

Walkthrough module development .doc


Walkthrough module development web page

0. download Web PI(Web platform installer) from http://ww.microsoft.com/web

1. install .Net Framework 4.0

2. download the latest release of OrchardProject from http://orchard.codeplex.com/

3. follow
orchardModuleWalkThrough.pdf on GoogleDoc

[Q] Comparison of Orchard and Drupal?
[Q] Comparison of Orchard and DotNetNuke?

[ref]  http://www.orchardproject.net/faq

How does Orchard compare with DotNetNuke(DNN)? ...

DNN is a mature and successful .NET-based project, a key partner for Microsoft, and a vital contributor to the .NET open source ecosystem.

Our hope is that new technology investments made by Orchard will serve existing applications like DNN in the long run, and ultimately provide infrastructure and components that our partners can leverage to enrich their own offerings.

Orchard aims to help our .NET partners, not to compete directly with them. Orchard is already working with several partners in the .NET open source space, including DNN, to identify opportunities to work together for mutual benefit.

... Orchard’s extensibility model also presents partners with another vehicle for delivering their solutions and expanding their audience.

What is the Orchard CMS application? How does it compare with Microsoft SharePoint?

Orchard CMS is an open source project which aims to provide a simple solution for small web agencies who want to quickly create Internet-facing Web sites.

For corporations wanting a fully-featured, Microsoft-supported, enterprise-level CMS solution out-of-the-box, ... , Microsoft SharePoint™ is a more natural choice.

SharePoint also provides capabilities beyond CMS including Team Collaboration, Document and Records Management, Business Process Integration and Business Intelligence.


Microsoft.WebApplication.targets was not found?

[Q]  What to do with the error: "The imported project "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" was not found"?


0. install the vs patch(which one ?) to get Web Application Project support

1. or just copy the desired Microsoft.WebApplication.targets and its parent folder from somewhere else
e.g. copy from "C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v8.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets"



You should be OK just copying the contents of that directory to the same spot on your build machine. Alternatively, if you have VS installed on your build machine you should be OK after installing the VS patches.


"... I just encountered the same problem for VS2008/TeamBuild 2008 and it was resolved the same way except by copying over the v9.0 version of the targets file..."

" ... still a problem in 2010.

... I don't want to have to install Visual Studio.
... expect that I ought to be able to build a web project with MSBuild without requiring Visual Studio to succeed.
...expect the WebApplication.targets to be installed with .NET 2.0 SP1.

2010年8月5日 星期四

如何輸入/如何打出 注音符號 ?

[Q] 如何打出 注音符號?

0. copy/paste, 將所有的37個 注音符號存在一個檔案裡或網頁上
要用的時候 拷貝再貼上

1. 用 Google Pinyin 輸入法的軟鍵盤 (感謝 ANo 的指導) , 但是怎麼打出ㄅ?

2. 新酷音 或 Sougo 輸入法???

[Q] Google Pinyin 輸入法如何打出ㄅ?

//=== 37個 注音符號



