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2010年3月29日 星期一

Formosoft CAPI crash IE8

[Q] 在安裝了Windows/Adobe Reader9/Flash CS4試用版/... ?(i'm not sure which one) 的更新之後 網路下單出現問題 跳出提示視窗 要求安裝 Formosoft CAPI
然後整個IE 就當掉...

disable IE options-> Advanced-> "Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attack*"

IPCam not work with IE8?

[Q] 家中裝了台Wei-Chu 網路攝影機(IPCam) 在家裡LAN上測試OK
在公司用IE7的電腦 可以完成驅動程式的安裝 並正常顯示
但如果用IE8的電腦 則驅動程式安裝最後會出現Memory access fault
之後連上IPCam的網頁 只顯示出左半邊的導覽列
右半邊的Frame 則是connecting ... -> disconnected 無法顯示出正常的攝像


  • 取消IE8的memory protection的選項
  • 重新安裝IPCam的驅動程式


[Q] My brother bought and installed an IP Camera home. Testing the IPCam at home via LAN is fine, we can see the image and manipulate the IPCam to pan around.

When i connected to the IPCam via internet from my office, some problem did occur. IE8 could not finish the driver installation successfully even though i already add the IP address of the IPcam to trusted sites and allow pop-up from that IP -- "memory access fault".

After that failure IE8 does not prompt for driver installation anymore and the video cannot be shown out. Only the navigation menu is shown in the left frame of IE8, in the right frame shows "connecting ..." then "disconnected" then blank/silence.


  • Disable the option of IE8 -> Advanced-> "Enable memory protection to help mitigate online attack*"
  • Reinstall driver for IPCam

2010年3月26日 星期五

How to create crypted pdf file with pkcs7 security handler?

[Q] How to create crypted pdf file with pkcs7 security handler?
[Q] How to create certificate crypted pdf file

use Adobe Acrobat -> Advanced -> Certificate Encryption

2010年3月14日 星期日

CSS rounded corner rectangle

  • ThrashBox, uses 4 background images, one for each corner
  • Spiffy corner, use <b> elements
  • Nifty corner, use <b> elements + javascripts
  • CSS3

CurvyCorners supports CSS3 /pre-CSS3 auto detection

http://www.html.it/articoli/nifty/index.html (Nifty corner)


http://www.alistapart.com/articles/customcorners/ (2003)

Even-odd and winding-number rules

"Even-odd" and "winding-number" rules to determine a point is inside/outside a polygon.

[Q] How to determine whether a point is inside a polygon or not?
[Q] How to determine whether a point is inside a region or not?
(supposed that the region is formed by a path composed of only line segments and Bezier curves)

[Comments] 0-outside, 1-inside
even-odd : even -> outside, odd -> inside
winding-number: 0 is even -> outside, 1 is odd -> inside

winding-number rule is usually prefixed by "nonzero" to represent that a point is inside the polygon if the winding number is nonzero.

Actually, even-odd can be reckoned a special case of winding-number rule when modulo 2 is applied to its counting metrics --
  • number of crossed edges (even-odd)
  • number of net crossed edges considering edge direction(winding-number rules)


2010年3月1日 星期一

[Q] How to make vpn connection from behind a 3G router to a remote vpn server?

[Q] How to make vpn connection from behind a 3G router to a remote vpn server?

when i directly connect my pc to the usb 3G modem, the vpn works with little problem(time-out can only be solved by logout/login so far),
but if i connect my pc to a 3G router, i.e. my pc is now within the intranet behind the router, the vpn connection fails to be established...