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2009年10月31日 星期六

HyperV的Virtual Network Adapter

HyperV的Virtual Network Adapter 分三類
External: 會透過底層實體的網路卡連到其他實體的網路(Lan or Wan)
Internal: 不與底層實體的網路卡連通 僅能與其他的virtual network adapter 相通信
Private:自成一國 只能透過 hyperVManager 來操作??

避免使用 legacy adapter

//=== virtual network adapter configuration applying
apply, ok,
then restart win2k8 to get the consistency between
network connection management and ipconfig /routing service

2009年10月27日 星期二

Jpeg, Jpeg/Exif, Jpeg/Jfif, JIF

Digest of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPEG

"... JPEG/Exif is the most common image format used by digital cameras ...;
... JPEG/JFIF, is the most common format for the World Wide Web.
... simply called JPEG "

original Jpeg file format: 'JPEG Interchange Format' (JIF)
"... this "pure" file format is rarely used, primarily because of the difficulty of programming encoders and decoders that fully implement all aspects of the standard and because of certain shortcomings of the standard...

" ... In practice, most JPEG files in Exif format contain a small JFIF header that precedes the Exif header. This allows older readers to correctly handle the older format JFIF header, while newer readers also decode the following Exif header. ... "

"Syntax and structure

A JPEG image consists of a sequence of segments, each beginning with a marker,
each of which begins with a 0xFF byte followed by a byte indicating what kind of marker it is.

Some markers consist of just those two bytes; others are followed by two bytes indicating the length of marker-specific payload data that follows ... "

"... A freely-available tool called packJPG[10] is based on the 2007 paper "Improved Redundancy Reduction for JPEG Files." There are also at least two companies selling proprietary tools with similar capabilities, Infima's JPACK[11] and Smith Micro Software's StuffIt,[12] both of which claim to have pending patents on their respective technologies.[13][14] ...


Jpeg SOI / EOI marker

Jpeg SOI marker: 0xFF, 0xD8

"... SOI is the start of image marker and always contains the marker code values FFh D8h. "

Jpeg EOI marker: 0xFF, 0xD9


2009年10月24日 星期六

如何避免Office Word 一直出現安裝的訊息?

[Q] 如何避免Office Word 一直出現安裝的訊息?


Add a DWORD named NoRereg with value 1 to


2009年10月18日 星期日

網路上的芳鄰 檔案分享 也受到VPN time-out的影響?

[Q] 網路上的芳鄰 檔案分享 也受到VPN time-out的影響?
當複製較大的檔案(8MB)時 會出現網路位置/名稱失效的訊息

2009年10月16日 星期五

Bitdefender warning about malware

[Q] There is always the warning "You have never scanned your computer for malware" in Bitdefender even if i already press fix to scan, why?



"The only way to get rid of warning is to not monitor the item."???

"... even though I have manually run scans that I have defined and created, I still have the red exclamation point on my tray icon, and the application highlights that "You have never scanned your computer for malware" - even though I have. This is really annoying... "[enetprof, Jan 10 2009]

" ...
1) Reinstalled and when it asked whether to disable windows defender I did (didn't do that
the first time).
2) Disabled windows defeder service
3) When installing logged in as admin.
4) After installing ran the initial scan until complete.
5) After product was working I setup windows defender again and set it to not monitor bitdefender.
6) Changed services (windows defender to automatic and set defender to start on startup
7) Changed services for all bitdefender to automatic, except threat scanner which I cannot (complains of
error code says that it is configured to run as a different security id).

After this all seemed to work well, just make sure that all bitdefender services are automatic otherwise it will not start up properly and will complain that services are not activated.
" [ by mvismer, Dec 23 2008 ]

2009年10月14日 星期三


0. 執行Regedit (Run as Administrator)
1. 選擇 (Highlight) "Computer"(這樣才會把整機所有的Registry備份下來)
2. Menubar -> File -> Export
3. 一般來說 檔案大小約500MB , Export到硬碟所需時間約十秒內(PentiumIII 以上等級的電腦)


[Q] 如何備份Outlook?

[Q] 如何備份Outlook 連絡人?

[A] 匯入匯出沒錯 選擇匯出檔案 再選Windows CSV 格式
*** 不過要注意 要更改欄位對應 一方面刪減不需要的欄位

2009年10月12日 星期一

Vista 資料夾取消分享後 無法更名?

[Q] Vista 資料夾取消分享後 無法更名?

[...] 經過關機以及一個晚上的休息 隔天自然好了
there must be some timeout/cache setting about fileSharing/network connection

2009年10月8日 星期四

VPN斷線後 無法再連線?

[Q] XP 當作VPN client 連到遠端VPNServer , 斷線後 無法再連線的原因為何?
必須登出 重新登入後 才能再連線?

How to keep vpn alive?

[Q] How to keep vpn connection alive?
[Q] 如何使VPN持續連線 不致因 timeout 而中斷?

0. write a program to continuously send ping packet?

2009年10月7日 星期三

"Wake On Lan" needs "Restore on AC power loss"?

[Q] "Wake On Lan" needs "Restore on AC power loss"?


SkypeIn/Out, 遠傳070

070 轉接的費用?

電腦當機 如何處理?

[Q] 電腦當機 如何處理?


0. 看能否重新開機 如果可以 趕快備份重要資料 Registry, email, Work documents, code, ...
0.1 清理灰塵
0.2 檢查Power cable, RAM, Video card, 是否接觸不良?

1. 設法找出當機的元凶

* Power
* HD
* Video card
* Motherboard


Ghost 備份到一半 機器當掉怎麼辦?

[Q] Ghost 備份到一半 機器當掉怎麼辦?
Partition 約有35GB 的資料
選擇 fast 壓縮
已經燒了兩張 8.5G的DVD-R
第二張燒完時 螢幕顯示還有約8GB的資料待備份
能否補救? 只要再燒最後那8GB的部分?


2009年10月2日 星期五

vpn disconnect due to time-out and cannot reconnect

[Q] In Windows XP, vpn disconnect due to time-out and cannot reconnect?


How to remove advertisement from windows live messenger?

[Q] How to remove advertisement from windows live messenger?

2009年10月1日 星期四

SWF Fixed point number format

SWF Fixed point number format:
Fixed: 16.16
Fixed8: 8.8
FB(n): n.n

M : number of bits for magnitude (integer part), including one sign bit(msb)
F: number of bits for fractional part

S1, POS, S3, STR

S1= POS = Power On Suspend
S3= STR = Suspend To RAM