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2009年7月20日 星期一

net send in Vista

//=== Vista Ultimate provides "msg.exe"
C:\Windows\system32>msg /?
Send a message to a user.

MSG {username | sessionname | sessionid | @filename | *}
[/SERVER:servername] [/TIME:seconds] [/V] [/W] [message]

username Identifies the specified username.
sessionname The name of the session.
sessionid The ID of the session.
@filename Identifies a file containing a list of usernames,
sessionnames, and sessionids to send the message to.
* Send message to all sessions on specified server.
/SERVER:servername server to contact (default is current).
/TIME:seconds Time delay to wait for receiver to acknowledge msg.
/V Display information about actions being performed.
/W Wait for response from user, useful with /V.
message Message to send. If none specified, prompts for it
or reads from stdin.

  • msg user1 "this is a test"

Windows Vista 與 Windows server 2008 皆不支援 Messenger service。
須找3rd Party Tool?

Net send is not support in Vista and Windows Server 2008.
To use the text messaging service, need to find 3rd-party tools.


2009年7月15日 星期三

How to avoid replace prev files on mutlisession DVD ?

[Q] How to avoid replace prev files on mutlisession DVD when burning ?

[Q] 燒錄光碟時 如何避免取代 mutlisession DVD既有的檔案?

[A] Nero has the "replace files in compilation" option in BurningROM edition
but not in Express edition. So ...

System Error 85 for Windows

"System error 85 has occurred. The local device name is already in use" error message

"... For example, running the following sequence of commands in a logon script
net use r: /d
net use r: \\servername\share
net use r: /d
net use r: \\servername\share
The behavior does not occur for users with administrative privileges.

"... This error message persists for the particular drive letter in that particular Terminal Services session.
The same drive letter for other Terminal Services sessions may work as expected.
A different drive letter that is not typically used also works as expected.
The only way to correct the issue is to restart the Terminal Services-based system."

"...map network drives in a logon script via
Net use: \\server\folder /persistent:yes command.

After the first logon, the next consecutive logons prompt System error 85.
Is there a better way to re-map drives on each Logon?


2009年7月14日 星期二

USB keyboard

[Q] 有些USB鍵盤要安裝一堆驅動程式 開機時常抓不到 ?

買陽春 便宜 功能單純(沒有一些額外的功能鍵) 的就好

其實一直覺得 Number Pad用不著 移掉的話可以省1/3的空間
Windows Start key 雖然方便 但大部分的設計卡在Ctl 與Alt附近 


[Q] Some usb keyboards need installing many drivers to work due to the HID function. Those HID keyboards usually consume more power and often not recognized during boot ...

[try] Find a simple/cheap keyboard with the basic/fundamental function. No need of HID.

2009年7月10日 星期五

How to make Nero not to associate folder in DVD with HD?

[Q] 如何使Nero在燒錄mulit-session CD/DVD時 不要自動作檔案及目錄的同步動作

How to enable microphone boost in windows xp/vista

[Q] 如何啟動麥克風 Boost ?
Control Panel -> Sounds and Audio Devices ->
Audio -> playback/recording/midi, select recording->
Volume -> Microphone -> Advanced->
check the "Microphone Boost"

2009年7月7日 星期二

OnScreen Keyboard within Ease of Access

[Q] How to start OnScreen Keyboard ?

StartMenu -> All programs -> Accessories -> Ease of Access -> On-Screen keyboard
Control Panel -> Ease of Access Center

[Q] 如何啟動螢幕小鍵盤?

啟始選單 -> 全部的程式 -> 附屬應用程式 -> Ease of Access(易取用?) -> 螢幕小鍵盤
控制台 -> 易取用中心

Simple, Unified way to backup

[Q] A simple, unified way to back up data?
0. gather data into a common place("data center")
1. automatically filter/zip/burn
2. log file sent to user automatically

keypoint: automatically, simple for user